Become a Certified Infant
Massage Instructor
A baby’s first language is touch and infant massage contributes to a strong bond and secure attachment between baby and parents.
The IAIM offers you an exceptional and comprehensive 4 day, Face-to-Face Training that enables you to become a Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI), an internationally recognised qualification. With the training, you will be qualified to teach Infant Massage to parents/carers, to enhance bonding, promote healthy development of the infant and provide support for parents and helping them learn how to lovingly and respectfully communicate with their babies through massage.
The 4 day face-to-face training programme focuses on parents/primary caregivers and their babies from birth to one year old. Adaptations for babies with additional needs, born prematurely and the growing child are also part of the curriculum.
Become part of an international organisation of thousands of dedicated Infant Massage Instructors worldwide.
Upcoming Trainings
We are very excited to announce we have our two international trainers, Margo and Gail coming to Australia to do our first 4 day face-to-face trainings around Australia in May 2023!
Dates & Locations:
Course Fees: $1500 (50% is required to secure your enrolment)
Please Note: Once you enrol online, you will be contacted with confirmation of enrolment & payment instructions.
What is included in the Fees?
Course materials
Demonstration Doll
Instructor Marketing Kit
We invite parents and babies to attend the training enabling students to gain practical teaching experience
Following the training the IAIM offer continuing professional development and support through:
A year’s Membership of the IAIM, plus continued membership for an annual fee
Regular educational study days and course refresher Days
A biennial International Conference
Trainer led massage stroke refresher sessions
Access to news, research and other resources on the IAIM Members website
Support from your course trainers and Australian Chapter
Payment Plan Option
We offer plans for students allowing them to make weekly payment instalments. To secure a place in the course, we require a 50% deposit.
Contact us at info@iaimaustralia.com for more information.
Why choose the IAIM Training?
Our trainers have in common passion, and commitment to this work for many years, keeping high level of standards in all visited countries, ensuring continuity of philosophy. Our training in Australia is currently online and live streamed with two of our International Trainers.
Knowledge based:
IAIM Instructor training’s 15-point core curriculum focuses on parent-baby class facilitation, adaptation to child development (birth to 1 year) to promote infant secure attachment experiences. Adaptations for babies with additional needs, babies born prematurely and the growing child are also part of the curriculum.
During the training there are three sessions with parents and their babies. One session is led by the trainer for students to observe and the other two provide the students with a wonderful opportunity to experience facilitating part of a class with the support of their fellow students.
Through a Certification process post-training, you will develop your 5-session infant massage classes with parents in your community or agency and complete an open-book exam to get qualified as Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI)* supported at all time by your trainer.
IAIM Instructor Marketing Kit
As part of your training, you will need to teach five families. The IAIM Marketing Instructor Kit allows you to provide the parents with educational materials for them to take home. The kit includes:
5 x Parent Handouts
5 x Quick Reference Sheets
5 x Weather Massage Leaflets
After training, what will you be able to do?
You will become an IAIM member to receive your chapter’s support.
As trained instructor (educator) you will work first at your certification.
You will be able to teach parents and families in private, group, hospital and agency settings with full IAIM recognition of your professionalism once certified.
In addition to teaching parents, you will be qualified to present information about infant massage in your community, conduct in-service programs, present at professional conferences and participate in research studies.
IAIM Certified Infant Massage Training for educators, allied health, students & hospitals.
Our Trainers
Our Trainers have been Certified Infant Massage Instructors for many years and have undertaken an extensive 2-year training process and completed the requirements as established by the International IAIM Education Committee to become a fully qualified Trainer.
Margo Kilborn
Margo commenced her journey with IAIM in 1999. She qualified as a Doula, immersed herself into a deeper understanding of post natal depression. In 2012 Margo was appointed IAIM International President.

Gail Bovenizer
Gail is a Trainer for the IAIM.
Also trained in Pregnancy Massage and has been pioneering it in Ireland ever since. Organising annual training courses and assists & teaches Pregnancy Massage courses.